A selection of collated and curated results from events held in the UK and Ireland or overseas results featuring one or more UK/ Irish wrestlers.

A Red, Amber, Green system, detailed on the About page, is used through the UK Wrestling Archive to denote how complete content is considered to be.

Europe Morrell-Beresford Promotions: House Show
5 March 1987
Queens Hall, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England

Alan Kilby [2] defeated Colonel Brody [1] (w/ Petite Fleur) by Disqualification

Golden Grappler Trophy 1987 (Semi Final) Match:
Richie Brooks defeated Mal Sanders by TKO

World Mid-Heavyweight Championship (12 x 3-Minute Rounds) Match: (Title Vacant)
Marty Jones [R8/ 1:05/ Pinfall, R10/ 2:07/ Pinfall] defeated ‘Bronco’ Owen Hart [R3/ 1:43/ Pinfall] in 25:55